Monday, October 25, 2010

Teen Worship Begins!

Last night we as teenagers had our first Teen Worship event of the year. A group of 10 teens organized the program and led the worship!

We were surprised at the turn out of kids that came as we had up to 50!

It was a time to grow as a team since there are new members and it was a blessing to see a new group forming replacing those that are no longer teens and not a single person remaining from the original team.

Praise the Lord that this ministry is moving forward!

The evening was filled with music, laugher, worship and a wonderful presentation on Faith, our theme for this year. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

We left encouraged and blessed, believing that the Lord has mighty works to do through this generation as we stand up for what we believe in and reach out to our peers; this being the goal for Teen Worship, to encourage and strengthen the Christian teens of Greece!

Natassa Macris

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