Listen to HM President, Johnathan Macris, describe the times in Greece.
Click on the link below. Moody Radio, Chris Fabry Live Program, February 16, 2012.
Most of you have seen or heard about the situation in Greece these past weeks and months. This past weekend was terrible as a small number of anarchist set banks on fire, burned buildings and raided shops. The greater population demonstrated against the government in a quiet manner. The economic situation here is bleak to say the least and shop after shop has closed. Many have left to look for work in other countries. From a world perspective things are very negative. What a great opportunity for the gospel.
Here’s just one of many, many stories our staff has shared in the last weeks….
“Greece is under a curse – everyone is only looking out for its own interests!” said the travel agent to me as I sat at her desk to purchase plane tickets.
I agreed, ”Yes, but Greece is also a blessed country. God has chosen the Greek language to write His Word to the entire world. It needs to be translated to everyone else, like one of the tribal groups in Irian Jaya just got it last year, but they welcomed the Word of God like God himself visited them. Do you have a NT?”
She said no, not in today’s Greek language and so I promised her to give her one at my next visit.
A week later I returned and gave her the promised NT, a calendar for 2012 and an evangelistic booklet.
She was so excited and said that this was the most important gift anyone could have given her and thanked and kissed me over the counter desk. Finally we talked also about flights and prizes.
When we talked on the phone earlier today, the first thing she mentioned again was how important the NT was for her. It was truly divine timing – and that was what she felt too.
How thrilling to be at the right time at the right place with the right message as God’s ambassadors!
A group of 11 pastors and Christian leaders from South Africa spent the first week in November on a Vision Tour of the HM work in Greece.
Apart from the obligatory visit to tourist sites such as the Acropolis, Museums, Meteora, Philipi, Thessalonikki, Corinth etc., we also got to see aspects of the ministry of HM - the Love Meals, House of Worship, Morning Star, Porto Astro and the Hope Center.
Gary Steyn, the new HM South Africa National Director, shared his own dramatic testimony with the young people at the House of Worship as well with the refugees at the Love Meals. The team also participated in the staff chapel meeting and were treated to a wonderful lunch at the home of Johnathan and Miriam Macris.
The group expressed their appreciation to the HM staff for an eye opening tour as they were challenged to support the work through their prayers, finance and personnel. They now appreciate that Greece is not just a wonderful tourist destination with a glorious cultural history but is a country in desperate need of the gospel.
These two women are a wealth of knowledge and resources, and we spent the week gleaning from all their expertise about the opening and running of a maternity home. They also helped us develop our vision plan for other areas of needs under the Hope Center Ministries.
The building itself is nearly completed, however we realize that there is still much groundwork to be done to prepare ourselves fully for all aspects of housing pregnant women.
Please join us in prayer:
· As we seek God’s wisdom and timing for the opening of the home.
· That God will be preparing the hearts of the house parents and house assistant that He wants to live at the house with the girls.
· Regarding finances, we still need funds to complete the building, and then we will need to furnish it as well as providing for monthly operating costs.
God is so good! Looking back we can see God’s hand at work in each step of the process, and we are looking forward with much anticipation to see how God is going to use this ministry to touch and change many lives!
Psalm 32:8 The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”